Mzere wa Aflatoxin M1 ReseideKutengera mfundo za mpikisano wampikisano imnochromatography, The Aflatoxin M1 mu chitsanzo amachimanga ku Colloidal Onticy-Commibady Ordims, omwe amalepheretsa kuwongolera kwa antigigen NC Membrane, motero zimapangitsa kuti mtundu ukoma utoto ukhale; and regardless of whether or not the sample contains the substance to be detected, the C-line will be coloured, to to indicate that the test is valid. Zingwe zoyeserera za Aflatoxin M1muwerengiKutulutsa deta yoyeserera ndikusanthula deta kuti ipeze zotsatira zomaliza.
Mizere yoyeserera ya Aflatoxin M1 yotsalira ndiyoyenera kuti ikhale yoyenera ku Aflatoxin M1 muiwisi ndi zitsanzo za mkaka. DZIWANI BWINO 0,5 PPB, mayeso omwe amawonetsa kuti ndi 500 μg / l ya sullomycin, ma scretinomycin, ma strammycin, mayeso amawonetsa bwino ndi 5 μg / l Aflatoxin B1.
Post Nthawi: Apr-01-2024