
  • Beijing Kiwnbon got Poland Piwet certification of BT 2 channel test kit

    Great news from Beijing Kwinbon that our Beta-lactams & Tetracyclines 2 channel test strip has approved by Poland PIWET certification. PIWET is a validation of National Veterinary Institute which is located in Pulway, Poland. As an independent scientific institution, it was started by the de...
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  • Kwinbon developed new elisa test kit of DNSH

    New EU legislation in force New European legislation for reference point of action (RPA) for nitrofuran metabolites was in force from 28 November 2022 (EU 2019/1871). For the known metabolites SEM, AHD, AMOZ and AOZ a RPA of 0.5 ppb. This legislation was also applicable for DNSH, the metabolite o...
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  • Seoul Seafood Show 2023

    From 27th to 29th, April, we Beijing Kwinbion attended this top annual exhibition specializing in aquatic products in Seoul, Korea. It opens to all aquatic enterprises and its object is to create the best fisheries and related technology trade market to manufacturer and buyer, included auqatic f...
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  • Beijing Kwinbon Will Meet You At Seoul Seafood Show

    Seoul Seafood Show (3S) is one of the largest exhibition for Seafood & Other Food Products and Beverages industry in Seoul. The show opens to both business and Its object is to create the best fisheries and related technology trade market to both producers and buyers. The Seoul Int'l Seafood ...
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  • Beijing Kwinbon won the first prize of scientific and technological progress

    On July 28, The China Association for the Promotion of Science and Technology of Private Enterprises held the "Private Science and Technology Development Contribution Award" awarding ceremony in Beijing, and the achievement of "Engineering Development and Beijing Kwinbon Application of Fully Auto...
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  • China new national standard for infant formula milke powder

    In 2021, my country's imports of infant formula milk powder will drop by 22.1% year-on-year, the second consecutive year of decline. Consumers' recognition of the quality and safety of domestic infant formula powder continues to increase. Since March 2021, the National Health and Medical Commissi...
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  • Pharmacological and toxicological properties of furazolidone

    Pharmacological and toxicological properties of furazolidone

    The pharmacological and toxicological properties of furazolidone have been briefly reviewed. Among the most important pharmacological actions of furazolidone is the inhibition of mono- and diamine oxidase activities, which seem to depend, at least in some species, on the presence of the gut flora...
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  • Do you know about ochratoxin A?

    In hot, humid or other environments, food is prone to mildew. The main culprit is mould. The moldy part we see is actually the part where the mycelium of the mold is completely developed and formed, which is the result of "maturity". And in the vicinity of moldy food, there have been many invisib...
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  • Why should we test Antibiotics in Milk?

    Why should we test Antibiotics in Milk?

    Why should we test Antibiotics in Milk? Many people today are worried about antibiotic use in livestock and the food supply. It is important to know that dairy farmers care very much about making sure your milk is safe and antibiotic-free. But, just like humans, cows sometimes get sick and need ...
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  • Screening Methods for Antibiotics Test In Dairy Industry

    Screening Methods for Antibiotics Test In Dairy Industry

    Screening Methods for Antibiotics Test In Dairy Industry There are two major health and safety issues surround the antibiotic contamination of milk. Products containing antibiotics may cause sensitivity and allergic reactions in humans.Regular consumption of milk and dairy products containing lo...
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  • Kwinbon MilkGuard BT 2 in 1 Combo Test Kit got ILVO validation in April, 2020

    Kwinbon MilkGuard BT 2 in 1 Combo Test Kit got ILVO validation in April, 2020

    Kwinbon MilkGuard BT 2 in 1 Combo Test Kit got ILVO validation in April, 2020 ILVO Antibiotic Detection Lab has received prestigious AFNOR recognition for validation of test kits. The ILVO lab for screening of antibiotic residues will now perform validation tests for antibiotic kits under the no...
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