
Recently, the Jiangsu Provincial Market Supervision Bureau issued a notice on 21 batches of food sampling unqualified, in which, Nanjing Jinrui Food Co., Ltd. production of strange green beans (deep-fried peas) peroxide value (in terms of fat) of the detection value of 1.3g/100g, the standard shall not be higher than 0.50g/100g, exceeding the standard by 2.6 times.


It is understood that peroxide value mainly reflects the degree of oxidation of fats and oils and is an early indicator of rancidity of fats and oils. Consumption of food with excessive peroxide value is generally not detrimental to human health, but prolonged consumption of food with excessive peroxide value may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhoea. The reason for exceeding the peroxide value (in terms of fat) may be that the fat in the raw material has been oxidised, or it may be related to improper control of the storage conditions of the product. Kwinbon Peroxide Value Food Safety Rapid Test Kit can be used for the detection of peroxide value in samples such as edible oils, cakes, biscuits, prawn crackers, crisps and meat products.

Kwinbon Peroxide Value Food Safety Rapid Test Kit


Test Principle

Peroxides in edible oils and foodstuffs are extracted and react with the test reagent to form a red compound, the darker the color the higher the peroxide value.


This kit can be used for the detection of peroxide value in samples such as edible oils, cakes, biscuits, prawn crackers, crisps and meat products.

Detection limit

5 meq/kg=2.5 mmol/kg=0.0635 g/100 g

Test Results

Find the color scale that is similar to the one on the standard colorimetric card that is the level of peroxide value in the cooking oil or food.

Post time: Aug-20-2024